April 18, 2012

Hunger Games.

I love the hunger games.  

Now, I have been known to get a little carried away with pop culture fads; Nsync, Twighlit, Harry Potter, Jonas Brothers, Legolas.  All things that I cared way too much about.  I have jumped on the Hunger Games bandwagon, and I don't plan on getting off.  In the fall I read all the books in a span of several days.  And was VERY happy when I heard a movie would be coming out.  I love when they make books into movies. 

So, the weekend after the movie came out (I don't think I could survive a midnight showing while teaching) my friend Nicole and I went to partake in the wonder of Hunger Games.  I really loved it.  Yes, they changed some things, and took some parts out, but overall I was pleased.  I think the Katniss and I would be great friends, and I want to take Peeta and put him in my pocket he is so cute. I am a fan. I was able to trick husband into going to see it with me!  He was a skeptic...but that has changed!

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