April 19, 2012

Scrabble Night.

When Eric and I registered for wedding gifts we went sort of heavy on the board games.  The games were a fan favorite on our registry and we recieved 5 or 6.  Our only problem is that most of the games we registered for were meant for 4 or more players. So on game night our choices are Scrabble or Blokus.

This last week, Scrabble won over.  I claim superiority in both games; however, I was defeated.  I can't help it that my husband has an extensive vocabulary and plays the game on his phone so he knows every 2 letter word that ever was, like qi!  Unfair advantage I'd say!


Allison said...

I love Scrabble! You were smart to register for games! I didn't think of doing that and I love games!

Emily @ Emmy June said...

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