February 18, 2013

The Fractured Prune

I love the food network and trust them to guide me to delicious foods.  Naturally Eric and I were intrigued when our PA friends told us about a custom doughnut shop in down town PA.  We ventured to the Fractured Prune.  There, we were overwhelmed by the wonder of custom made, fresh out of the fryer, cake donuts.  How can you beat that?

30 to 40 different types of doughnut concoctions.  My husband selected a doughnut with mocha frosting and Oreo crumbs.  I was less adventurous with a standard vanilla frosting and rainbow sprinkles.  You can rest assured that we had no trouble reaching our calorie intake for the day!

1 comment:

meme-and-he said...

so glad you stopped there! Aren't they amazing?!