As we finished our Thanksgiving meal we began to mentally prepare ourselves for our black Friday endeavors. Now, I take my black Friday shopping very seriously; however, this year would be different from any other.
1. Thanks to our retail friends, Black Friday would begin at midnight.
2. I did not have my traditional poinsettia Christmas sweater to get me in the holiday mood.
3. I was in a new town, unaware of the level of chaos that Blacksburg was capable of.
We made plans to venture to Target and Old Navy. We made it in and out of Target in 20 minutes (not counting the 30 minutes we waited in line). Christiansburg Target should get a gold star for their organization and ability to control chaos....Old Navy on the other hand....should not. I never imagined that Old Navy would embody the chaos that Walmart and Target were known for. But the moment I walked in and saw the line of anxious shoppers weaving every which way throughout the store, my stomach dropped. All I wanted was a pair of 15 dollar jeans! I found my jeans and slyly joined the line (pretty sure I accidentally cut in front of 20-30 shoppers). An hour later I had my jeans and a deeper appreciation for my husband who stood by my side through it all.
Was it worth it? Well, two days later I went back to old navy to exchange those jeans for a different size...they were still there...for the same price. But I guess it is all about the experience? Right?